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Strengthening relationships and body language

Strengthening the relationship with our dogs originates with our understanding of them, what breed, how old, where they came from, etc. In addition to all these, we must try to understand what they say to us, and they say a lot. Some dogs like to be petted, and some prefer to avoid contact, but a good game might make their day. Every dog is unique and special with a different character and behavior, even dogs of the same breed, so it is crucial that we understand them and not assume what they feel. 
Every dog has a neutral body posture, any change in body language will always be measured by the posture. That is why it is important to pay attention to the whole body - expression, eyebrows, wrinkles, focus, ears, tongue, lips, neck and back, fur, and tail. It is necessary to pay attention to the situation: environment, time of day, history, and participants.

Warning signals

When a dog warns his eyes are locked on target, he moves  in a slow and stiff movement, sometimes baring his teeth accompanied by growls and gurgles and biting the air.

Stress signals

When a dog is stressed
his body will be stooped, tense, or avoided, relatively low tail, ears back, dilated pupils, facial wrinkles, and a locked jaw.

Calming signals

When a dog tries to calm himself, his head turns in avoidance; he lip licks, blinks, sniffs the ground (action unrelated to the situation), yawns, and shakes off.


Physical contact is significant for a dog - whether pleasant or not. A dog can like a touch from a certain person and not like the same touch from another person. A dog can like or dislike the same touch from the same person in different situations. Touch can destroy trust in seconds.


A dog can see details from a distance of only 6 meters, can move each ear separately, and precisely locate the direction of the sound. The ability to taste different foods is mainly thru texture and smell. He can smell from each nostril separately. There are five centers of sensory hairs on the dog's face with a very high concentration of nerves: chin, mustache, cheeks, forehead, and neck.

What we will talk about

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